2020 SARA Conference - Video recordings

First virtual conference a success


So 2020 tried to keep us from having an annual meeting.  Not so fast.

SARA 2020 Western Conference canceled

On March 5, the SARA Western Conference coordinator was notified that the Very Large Array (VLA) facility would not be able to host the 2020 Western Conference this year due to concerns about the corona virus outbreak.

2019 SARA Conference - Video recordings

SARA at Dayton Hamvention 2019

SARA was represented at the Dayton 2019 Hamvention this year again with a double booth in the Volta Building at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. Ed Harfmann, Jim Sky, Bogdan Vacaliuc, Dave Fields, and Tom Hagen manned the exhibit for the 3-day event on Friday, May 17 through Sunday, May 19. Several hundred people stopped by and I am continually amazed by our visitors’ breadth of knowledge and experience. A number of possible SARA collaborations could result from these contacts.


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