Proceedings, 25th Anniversary Conference of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers


.Now available-- 2006 Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM.Members: $20 postpaid in US, $25 postpaid elsewhere. non-members: add $5 US.Buy both: Members $30 postpaid in US, $35 postpaid elsewhere. Non-members: add $5 US
Now available -- Proceedings, 25th Anniversary Conference of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers. June 2006. Published by the American Radio Relay League. ISBN 0-87259-970-1.

Suggested Contribution

members: $20 postpaid in US, $25 postpaid elsewhere.

non-members: add $5 US.


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SARA 2006


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Table of Contents


  • Letter of Welcome, NRAO Assistant Director Richard Prestage
  • SARA President's Greetings, Charles Osborne
  • SARA Reminiscence, Michael Valdez
  • SARA Mission Statement
  • SARA Membership Brochure
  • Announcement of Keynote Speaker, Dr. Steven W. Ellingson, KI4JJN
  • The Strange Reniassance in Low Frequency Radio Astronomy (Abstract), by Dr. Steven W. Ellingson
  • A Wide Bandwidth IF Receiver for Radio Astronomy, by Edward R. Cole, KL7UW
  • A Four Element Interferometer using PIN Diode Switches, by Paul L. Oxley
  • Robots for the Classroom, by Dr. David E. Fields, N4HBO, et. al.
  • GnuRadio and USRP, by Marcus Leech, VE3MDL
  • Use of a Septum Feed Horn for Circular Polarization with Parabolic Dishes, by Edward R. Cole, KL7UW
  • Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections, by John C. Mannone
  • Stone Soup: the Sine Qua Non of Syncronous Community Science, by Robert G. Kennedy III, et. al.
  • Radio Astronomy in Mexico, by Stan Kurtz, N9GKX
  • 3 dB Beyond ESP, by Charles Osborne, K4CSO
  • Temperature Control Using the Peltier Effect, by Joseph F. Phillips, et. al.
  • Hydrogen-Line Radio-Astronomy as an Elementary-School Science Project, by Shanni Prutchi
  • A Simple 300 to 450 MHz Signal Generator, by Bruce Randall, WD4JQV
  • W2ETI Moonbounce Beacon Update, by Dr. H. Paul Shuch, N6TX
  • NRAO 40-Foot Radio Telescope Operator's Manual, by Richard F. Bradley, et. al.